Consumption vs. Production

We are all consumers of something, some more than others, but consumers nonetheless.. If a tray of cheese, pepperoni and crackers is on my desk, or in the room, I am sure to pick at it all day long, each time spending a few seconds chewing on the tasty morsel, then getting back to work. Eventually the tray of goodies will be gone, and work can once again be my primary focus. If this happened daily, eventually I would have to deal with another problem, but I will leave that to the fitness folks to discuss. There are two important keys to this scenario not interfering with overall production, or at least interfering to a minimal level..

  • Each “distraction” burns minimal time up.
  • The treats will run out.

This type of distraction has it’s problems, but ultimately leads nowhere and work becomes more interesting.

Modern social networks and social distractions are not merely distractions, but funnels of consumption that have never-ending supplies and are fed (ironically) by producers of these consumables for little reason other than entertainment. While much of it IS interesting, and can enhance our perspective on our daily lives as well as work, it can become a downward spiral of productivity draining consumerism.

Productivity building practices can overcome this imbalance of producer/consumer in our day to day operation.

  • Eliminate browser tabs that do not directly relate to the project on your main screen.
  • Use a tablet or other computer for personal socializing (Don’t mix work with play).
  • Keep separate social accounts for your work persona and your “other side”.

There are a number of resources available for “Getting Things Done” and increasing productivity while working from home or in a laid back office.  This article is not intended to teach on this subject, just to point out the imbalance of production and consumption in the modern era.